Most devices will use DHCP to get an IP address as soon as they power up.
In there, you’ll see the identifier for the device that sent the request. The packet needs to show “DHCP request” in its Info part. Select one of the packets filtered out. In the filter toolbar, type in “dhcp” or “bootp,” depending on your Wireshark version. If you want to find out the IP of a host on your network, you can use the details of the DHCP If you want to learn more about using Wireshark, you can use the User Manual. This is useful if you want to track packets from the same source. Pane and then selecting the “Apply as Filter” option.
You can also Filter by right-clicking on any part of the information in the packet details With the most frequent filtering options.
Wireshark will suggest text to autocomplete your input For example, typing “dns” will only show you DNS packets. If you’re looking for specific packets, filtering is the best way to find them. Use this to diagnose the problem on the packets at a later date. You can save the packet list by pressing the Save button (located in the File menu). That are color-coded black are those that have an error. You can change the options for how the color-coding works in the View > Coloring Rules menu in the top menu bar. Once you have a list of packets at your disposal, Wireshark color-codes them so you can browse If you want to stop capturing live traffic, press the red button on the toolbar. The checkbox can be found in the Capture > Options menu on the top bar. Make sure you have checked Promiscuous mode on. If you want to see all the packets on the network rather than just those addressed to you, Wireshark will provide you with all the interfaces detected when you start it up but make sure you choose the correct one. To start capturing, you need to select the correct interface to start capturing from. Wireshark can capture live information from your current network.
Finally, the status bar on the bottom gives you general information on the program’s current status and captured data. The packet bytes pane will list data on a byte-by-byte basis, highlighting the packet you selected for further observation. The packet details pane will provide more information on the selected packet. Selecting an item from this list will change what you can see in the following sections. It contains a list of all packets going through your network. The packet list pane is the primary data source. Filters will make it easier to find the correct packets to trace. The filter toolbar allows you to display filters to choose from. It contains frequently used actions so you have easy access to them without having to navigate multiple menus to find them. The menu is used to start all actions on Wireshark. Main window will contain the most critical information available to you, such as: Once you’ve successfully installed Wireshark, opening it will bring you to its GUI.